3100 W. Madison Avenue
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
Cursillo proposes no new type of spirituality but simply a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, lived and shared in any area of human life.
Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning "short course". During this three-day experience, those attending pray together, celebrate Eucharist, listen to talks given by priests, religious and laypersons, and share fellowship of Jesus Christ and each other.
Although a Cursillo is not a retreat, its aim is to concentrate on the Person and teachings of Jesus Christ. As a Lay Movement, Cursillo gives those who attend a living understanding of basic Christian truths and a desire to serve the Church. It also provides a means to continue the Christian formation that begins during the three-day experience.Quincy Cursillo is centered in Quincy, Illinois within the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Illinois. They hosted their first Cursillo in December 1974 and continue to hold eight weekends per year - four for men and four for women. They are held at the Franciscan Retreat Center at 18th and Seminary Road. For specific dates, see their Calendar of Events.
Contact Esther Urban for more details.